It all began as a way to unwind from work and responsibilities, a chance to reconnect with freedom. I loved this place for its peacefulness, liveliness, and familiarity. The area's history and beauty captivated me. As a child, I enjoyed rock hunting and have always felt more at home in nature. While exploring, I discovered a pocket of Garnet and began collecting. A few months later, I returned and stumbled upon a cluster of small, colorful crystals and unique minerals. As my collection grew I thought to myself “What do I want to do with these”. Eventually, I decided to create this store.
I struggled with a name, until one weekend while driving to a new location, I was singing and saw a hawk fly by followed by a black bear crossing the road in front of me and a saying popped into my mind: “the kingdom of God is within you, all around you, not in buildings made of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood and I am there, lift a stone and you will find me.” Although I don't follow religion, this saying resonates deeply with me and I just knew what my store was going to be called: Spirit, Wood & Stone.